Opening for Mitch McVicker at The Great Plains Theater - Abilene, KS

What an honor we had this past Saturday evening. We had the privelige of opening for singer\songwriter Mitch McVicker. Now surely many of our fans and listeners have never heard of Mitch as he is a "Christian Singer" and even those that might frequent the "Christian Music Genre" have never heard of him either. Of course since Kaci and I are Christians and we have been a part of the "Christian Music Genre" in the past (and to some degree still are obviously) we know the amazing story behind Mitch McVicker. We encourage you to look him up online and find out about what this man has gone's truly inspiring! As to "who we are" that's another post...what I mean by that is we are Christians. There's no denying that, but we refused to be cornered...ah, and that's where we get to the next blog post!
Back on track here...Mitch is an incredibly gifted singer, songwriter, and performer. I sat backstage and watched in awe as this guy put together a show like no one could imagine. Using several different types of guitars, a "toy box" of items to use as percussion instruments, and a loop processor Mitch WOW'd the audience young and old alike.

Here's a little video of the dressing rooms and the trek up to the stage. If we would have been thinking about it we would have done this during the show and you could have seen what it looked like to have all those seats full and everyone with their eyes fixed on the stage...what a RUSH!!!

That's all for now. Below are some other images from that evening. Nothing earth shattering, but we wanted to share the experience with y'all!
