the rest of the Wednesday scoop...

It was a tough day on Wednesday as we got "Move" ready to track. The song is pretty hard to get the instruments tight on the tempo. Tom fought the bass line for quite some time before he wrestled the beast into a pit of defeat...whatever that means.

After fighting the beastly bassline it was time for lunch. We went to an amazing place called Baja Burrito. As we were walking in the guys were waving and chatting it up with people. They brought us over, introduced us to Jeremy and Tiffany Lee and their 3 beautiful children. As we're talking and laughing at Brett, someone says, "Oh yeah, you all might have heard of Tiffany she's known as Plumb". It was a cool moment for us...I was thinking the whole time, "man, Kevin Collings would crap his pants right about now".

Back in the studio Tom shoved me into the vocal booth to get the final lead vocal track in the can. We got some good stuff down and Tom was doing a little mixing on "Move" always it's far from the final product but it sounds pretty sweet!

OK, on to get content for Thursday's blog...


  1. btw, does she still own like 10 weimaraners? I remember something about them in the liner notes from one of the past albums...


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